German Dictionary

Translation of System

das System  the system     
das System the scheme    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wiederholte Defizite zeigen, dass das System nicht nachhaltig ist.

Repeated deficits show that the system is not sustainable.
Die Firmenführung hatte eine Genehmigung dafür gefordert, das neue System einzuführen. The company leadership had demanded clearance for implementing the new system.
Das neue System sollte die Arbeit effizienter machen. The new system was supposed to make work more efficient.
ein System betreiben; funktionieren operate a system
ein totalitäres System a totalitarian system
umbauen (System) transform; reform; restructure
ein System missbrauchen abuse a system
Rahmen, System, Gefüge framework
Schema; Programm; System scheme
System system

I suggest that we meet next week online, I will show you the results and discuss our next steps. I received the first examples and exercises. Let us meet on Tuesday, maybe at 11:00? Is that OK?
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