German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Taschenlampe gibt mir ein Gefühl der Sicherheit während der Nacht. |
The torch gives me a feeling of security during the night. |
Ohne Taschenlampe war es im Dschungel stockfinster. | Without a flashlight, it was pitch-black in the jungle. |
Das Mondlicht war so hell, dass ich keine Taschenlampe brauchte. | The moonlight was so bright I did not need a flashlight. |

He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
I told her that when you meet a person and you like that person you start dating him/her. After a while, if the couple stays together they go to the next step and move together or get married.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.
I told her that when you meet a person and you like that person you start dating him/her. After a while, if the couple stays together they go to the next step and move together or get married.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.