German Dictionary

Translation of tauschen

tauschen to exchange    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Mechaniker tauschte den Vergaser aus und berechnete mir dafür ein Vermögen.

The mechanic exchanged the carburetor and charged me a fortune for it.
Vinny fand es lästig, Äpfel zu essen und tauschte sie gegen Schokoriegel. Vinny felt eating apples was a nuisance and traded them for candy bars.
Jane mischte sich unter die Leute und tauschte mit drei Designern Geschäftskarten aus. Jane mingled with the crowd and exchanged business cards with three designers.
die Plätze tauschen(mit) to change places(with)
wechseln; tauschen; austauschen swap
tauschen; umschalten; wechseln swap

Today the spring really showed itself. It was over eighteen degrees and people started wearing nice and with T-shirts. Snow has melted and the temperature is steady. I can't wait for the summer.
I received your previous message. Sorry, I did not make the connection earlier, as I did not remember your company's name and have not met Jack Ulmani. You have probably received my address from Allan.
We again connected to the same people and we were wining a little about the fact that we had to share the boat with around seventy other passengers instead of getting a little romantic private tour.
Newly added translation: schwitzen    null    können    grün    fahren    dort    bereit    als    Wollmütze    Verteiler   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of tauschen
tausche  tauschst  tauscht  tauschen  tauscht  tauschen  tauschte  tauschtest  tauschte  tauschten  tauschtet  tauschten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of exchange   [ exchanged, exchanged ]