German Dictionary

Translation of träumen

träumen to dream    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sehnsüchtig träumte Evelin von einer Weihnachtsreise nach Bath mit ihren beiden Eltern.

Wishfully, Evelyn dreamed of a Christmas trip to Bath with both her parents.
Hohes Fieber kann zu lebhaften Träumen und Halluzinationen führen. A high fever can cause lively dreams and hallucinations.
träumen (von) (to) dream (of,about)
träumen (von) dream (about)
träumen to daydream

Officials say that the trip will start after lunch at around 1pm, next to the Phoenix Hall at Lili's college in Boston. During the departure of these twenty five crazy kids, major roads will be closed.
The place was amazing and very interesting although tourists ruled here. At noon we continued to see a waterfall called Agua Azul, which means Blue Waters in Spanish. It was a two hour drive.
The Lagoon Explorer had only room for eight passengers and crew. We were really excited once we saw the boat, as it looked beautiful. There was a couple from D.C. which also booked the same boat.
Newly added translation: senden    passen    leise sein    fließen    dünn    bestellen    anmelden    Zahnstocher    Vollmond   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of träumen
träume  träumst  träumt  träumen  träumt  träumen  träumte  träumtest  träumte  träumten  träumtet  träumten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of dream   [ dreamt, dreamt ]