German Dictionary

Translation of Unterkiefer

der Unterkiefer the lower jaw; the mandible    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Als er ausatmete senkte sich sein Unterkiefer so weit hinunter, dass ich dachte, er würde abfallen.

When he exhaled, his jaw dropped down so low, I thought it would fall off.
der Unterkiefer jaw

I want to work on the country specific terms first, then do a revision of the words that we have entered so far... please give me a few days to finish it. However, I may need to contact you over the weekend, depending on my progress.
That's very courageous that you have met a man and followed him to another country. If it's true love it is something you must sometimes risk. I have much respect for such decisions.
I am 30 years old, I have a 3 year old son and I am married to a Spaniard. I work in a bank - for more than 4 years. I really love my job very much, because I love working with people.
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