German Dictionary

Translation of Urinstein

der Urinstein the urine scale

Translation by Vocabulix


I do not know what to write about Belgium, so that I will write about Greece because my mother is from Athens and i have a lot of cousins there and a lot of other relatives. That is right.
Last week for example, I could have told you in advance that there is no chance for the other trials (if I knew): The traffic on the major website was too big. We should test it again sometime.
Thank you for the quick response and for your feedbacks. You are absolutely right about the verb 'communicar'. Our verb list section is new. We will add this verb, as well as many other less common verbs.
Newly added translation: Universitätsgelände    U-Bahn    Trommel    Trampolin    Tisch    Tennisspiel    Taschenbuch    Säbelzahntiger    Sturzkampfflugzeug    Stratege