German Dictionary

Translation of veranstalten

veranstalten to arrange    ; to host    ; to organize    ; to stage    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Galerie veranstaltete eine erfolgreiche Ausstellung über moderne Kunst.

The gallery staged a successful exhibition on modern art.
eine Party veranstalten; Eine Party veranstalten to throw a party; to have a party
ein Rennen veranstalten to have a race; have a race
organisieren; veranstalten to organize
aufführen, veranstalten to stage
veranstalten,abhalten to hold
veranstalten, abhalten hold

After this strange stop we moved on to the city center where he left me. I was on my own now and started to explore the little streets of the old center. It was packed with international visitors.
I have another small request: Is it possible that your webmaster sends us the loading html (the one that is displayed during the download of the large html)and the instruction of how to install it?
It was fantastic to see that each ice berg had its own form and color. Unfortunately we could not reach all galciers, some were blocked by their own ice breaking off and floating in the lake.
Check out these translations unterschiedlich    ungerade    unbedacht    tschüss    teilnahmslos    sträuben    stammen    solidarisch    sich erinnern    schütten   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of veranstalten
veranstalte  veranstaltest  veranstaltet  veranstalten  veranstaltet  veranstalten  veranstaltete  veranstaltetest  veranstaltete  veranstalteten  veranstaltetet  veranstalteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of arrange   [ arranged, arranged ]
Conjugation of host   [ hosted, hosted ]
Conjugation of organize   [ organized, organized ]