German Dictionary

Translation of Verstand

der Verstand the reason    ; the mind    
der Verstand the intellect    ; the sanity    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Niemand verstand, warum der gutaussehende Lawrence mit 42 immer noch Junggeselle war.

Nobody understood why handsome Lawrence was still a bachelor at 42.
Sie fand, dass sie sehr direkt gewesen war, aber er verstand immer noch nicht. She thought she had been straightforward, but he still didn't understand.
Solange ich bei Verstand bin, werde ich niemals heiraten. As long as my sanity is intact I will never get married.
Begriffsvermögen; Verstand comprehension
Gehirn; Verstand; Intelligenz brain
lebhafter Verstand lively mind
Gehirn, Geist, Verstand brain
gesunder Verstand sanity
Verstand Geist Sinn mind
Verstand/Geist/Sinn mind
Verstand, Geist mind
verstand understood

I do not know what to write about Belgium, so that I will write about Greece because my mother is from Athens and i have a lot of cousins there and a lot of other relatives. That is right.
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We arrived without any more power back in the village of Sapa and went for dinner right away. We went to bed early, because of the physical exercise and because we did not sleep well a night earlier.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mind   [ minded, minded ]
Conjugation of reason   [ reasoned, reasoned ]