German Dictionary

Translation of Vertrauen

vertrauen  to entrust     
vertrauen to trust    
das Vertrauen  the trust     

Translation by Vocabulix


jemandem vertrauen to trust somebody; to trust in somebody; trust somebody
vertrauen; glauben; überzeugt sein believe
Kredit; Vertrauen; Gutschreibung credit
vertrauen; sich verlassen rely; to rely
Zuversicht; Vertrauen; Verlass reliance
Vertrauen; Glaube; Versprechen faith
Zuversicht; Vertrauen Confidence
glauben; vertrauen; treue faith
das Vertrauen trust; confidence
vertrauen to trust; to confide
in Gott vertrauen trust in God
Vertrauen; Zutrauen reliance

I did not have a chance to speak to Nancy yet. I wanted to know how to proceed with the order of the CPU for the communication lab. The CPU will enable Voca Dixtionary to be ultra fast and reliable.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
We had to be careful of not falling into the water. We rowed for about an hour and we got tired pretty easily. Especially the other man and woman looked devastated, at the limit of their physical capabilities.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vertrauen
vertraue  vertraust  vertraut  vertrauen  vertraut  vertrauen  vertraute  vertrautest  vertraute  vertrauten  vertrautet  vertrauten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of trust   [ trusted, trusted ]
Conjugation of entrust   [ entrusted, entrusted ]