German Dictionary

Translation of vertrauensvoll

vertrauensvoll trustful    ; trusting    

Translation by Vocabulix


vertrauensvoll; gewissenhaft; treu ergeben faithful
vertrauensvoll; zuverlässig reliable
vertrauensvoll trustworthy

After this strange stop we moved on to the city center where he left me. I was on my own now and started to explore the little streets of the old center. It was packed with international visitors.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
On the way back I remember watching a Diego Armando Maradona movie in the car's portable DVD player. He was praised as a Saint in this movie. I took it as a good preparation of thing ahead in Buenos Aires.
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