German Dictionary

Translation of verwechseln

verwechseln  to confuse     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Peinlicherweise verwechselte ich ihre Blindheit zunächst mit Unhöflichkeit.

Embarrassingly, I confused her blindness with rudeness at first.
Fast hätte ich eine Wacholderbeere mit einer Preiselbeere verwechselt. I nearly mistook a juniper berry for a lingonberry.
verwechseln; verwirren; durcheinander to confuse
Namen verwechseln confuse names
verwechseln to mix up; mistake

The new router will be tested with XTB's solution at the laboratory in Germany by Anika and Julia. In case of success, reports and profiles will be sent to TBX about the progress and the right parameters.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
By the way, Jeffrey and Brooke got married before the trip and this vacation was their honey moon. On the deck Jeffrey suddenly noticed that he had lost his wedding ring. It was probably in the bag.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verwechseln
verwechsle  verwechselst  verwechselt  verwechseln  verwechselt  verwechseln  verwechselte  verwechseltest  verwechselte  verwechselten  verwechseltet  verwechselten