German Dictionary

Translation of Werbespot

der Werbespot the commercial    ; the advertisement    

Translation by Vocabulix


die Anzeige; die Reklame; der Werbespot the advert
Werbung, Werbespot advertising spot(1)
Anzeige; Reklame; Werbespot advert
der Werbespot, -sendung commercial
Rundfunk Werbespot radio spot
Werbung; Werbespot commercial
TV-Werbespot TV commercial
Werbespot commercial
werbespot advert
Werbespot TV ad

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I have always met nice people so far, and I have never had a strange friends request. So far I only had problems with my grammar in various foreign languages that I am trying to acquire.
Germany has a very diverse geography in the North we have the port cities of Hamburg and Bremen, and people are more open, there are a few hills up there. Then you should also visit Berlin.
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