German Dictionary

Translation of Wut

die Wut the rage    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Seine Wut machte ihr Angst, und sie rannte davon.

His rage scared her, and she ran away.
Sie schäumte vor Wut, als sie herausfand, dass er das Geld versteckt hatte. She was furious when she found out he had stashed away the money.
Da er provoziert worden war, schien seine Wut berechtigt. As he had been provoked, his anger seemed justifiable.

I like writting you messages although most of it is really pointless. I mean it is very good for my English studies, but except that I could not understand why you would be interested in reading it.
She insisted that there should be an actual step, where the man proposes friendship to the woman, at a nice dinner or giving her a gift or flowers or going down on his knees. Cultural differences.
Puerto Madryn was a boring city, but it was the hub to see the Peninsula Valdes, a nature reserve listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. We did not know what to expect but new that we would see Pinguins
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of rage   [ raged, raged ]