German Dictionary

Translation of Zerstörung

die Zerstörung the destruction    ; the demolition    ; the ruin    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nach der Plünderung hinterließen die Schurken einen Pfad der Zerstörung.

After the raid, the criminals left a trail of destruction behind.
Susan bezweifelte, dass die Zerstörung von Victors Spielzeug absichtlich geschehen war. Susan doubted that the destruction of Victor's toy had been willful.
Zerstörung, Vernichtung demolition
Verwüstung; Zerstörung havoc
(die) Zerstörung destruction

Although I put my wallet in the front pocket of my pants it was not there. I had been so diverted by the aggressiveness of these kids that I did not feel it when they grabbed it out of my pocket.
it was great talking to you. I am so happy that you are married. Here are our pictures. Please send me the pictures of you, your husband, the wedding and of course of your baby dog Vasco.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of ruin   [ ruined, ruined ]