German Dictionary

Translation of Zeug

das Zeug the stuff    ; the material    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Man kann viele wertvolle Schätze inmitten all dem Zeug finden, das im Keller rumliegt.

Many valuable treasures can be found among all the stuff lying around in the cellar.
das Zeug, Zeuge the whatchamacallit(s); the trinket(s)
das Zeug(s); der Plunder; die Sachen the stuff
Blödsinn; dummes Zeug rubbish
Zeug, Sachen, Material stuff
Zeug; Sachen; Material Stuff
Ausrüstung,Zeug gear

Yesterday, I heard a very good example to explain my point: On their journey more than ten years ago, the presidential couple Mr. and Mrs. Clinton visited Egypt. They were welcomed by the president.
When we contacted you, our trainer was indeed for students only. We made some upgrades since then. Our site is now a vocabulary platform, because we support the creation of lessons by teachers and sharing.
We woke up around one hour before arriving and got off the train once it arrived at its destination. We checked in for our last night in the same hotel very early in the morning after having coffee of course.
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