German Dictionary

Translation of Zorn

der Zorn the anger    ; the fury    ; the wrath    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Zorn des Absolventen über die schlechten Noten war grenzenlos.

The fury of the graduate about the bad marks was boundless.
Der Zorn des Königs brachte Dunkelheit über das Volk. The wrath of the king brought darkness to the people.
(schlechte) Laune; Gereiztheit; Zorn temper
Zorn; Ärger; erzürnen anger
der Zorn anger; rage; (ira)

On the way, there were a lot of beautiful, colored trees. Having arrived in a tiny village called Harvard, we got out of the car and walked through the streets. We were very lucky and I will tell you why.
He has helped me to take a decision and although I carried my entire laguage with me I returned to El Panchan for the night. We returned there in the early evening and I was happy to find a room.
Thank you for the quick response and for your feedbacks. You are absolutely right about the verb 'communicar'. Our verb list section is new. We will add this verb, as well as many other less common verbs.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of anger   [ angered, angered ]