German Dictionary
German | English |
zu jemandem aufschauen; zum Vorbild/Idol haben | to look up to; to admire; to respect |
Zu und Abwanderung; abwandern; Migrant, Abwanderer | migration; to migrate; migrant |
jedes mal; zu allererst; blinkend | every time(1); first off oll; flashing |
auf etw. hinauslaufen; etw. betragen; zu etw. kommen | to amount to sth. |
eine Beziehung haben zu; betreffen | to relate to sb; to relate so sth. |
würdigen; schätzen; zu schätzen wissen | appreciate |
gehören; gehören zu; angehören | belong; belong to |
Haltung (gegenüber); Einstellung (zu) | attitude (towards) |
nichts zu danken; bitte sehr; gern geschehen | You're welcome |
bewundern; aufsehen zu | look up to; admire sb; respect sb |
leiden tot; zu etw. führen | to lead to; led; led |
ratsam sein; empfehlenswert sein zu | to be advisable |
Today the spring really showed itself. It was over eighteen degrees and people started wearing nice and with T-shirts. Snow has melted and the temperature is steady. I can't wait for the summer.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
We went to visit the different markets starting with the bracelet market in Kowloon. Lili bought a few stones there. In the afternoon we visited the financial district which could only be reached by boat.
Entire communities are blamed for a crime committed by one of its members. Wrong ideas could quickly be spread to other villages and there could be acts of revenge resulting in further mistrust.
We went to visit the different markets starting with the bracelet market in Kowloon. Lili bought a few stones there. In the afternoon we visited the financial district which could only be reached by boat.
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