German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Peinlicherweise verwechselte ich ihre Blindheit zunächst mit Unhöflichkeit. |
Embarrassingly, I confused her blindness with rudeness at first. |
zunächst, zu(aller)erst | first of all |
vor allem, zunächst | first of all |
zunächst, nächste(r,s) | next |
zunächst einmal | to begin with |
anfangs, zunächst | initially |
Zunächst | To begin with |
Naturally, like everyone else, Italian think about themselves that they are the best. They think that Italy is a great nation and a great country, but these thoughts are never aggresive or political.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
Fortunately the bay we anchored was very calm and the ship did not move at all, or at least one could not feel it. We prepared for dinner and went to the deck, where everybody else was sitting.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
Fortunately the bay we anchored was very calm and the ship did not move at all, or at least one could not feel it. We prepared for dinner and went to the deck, where everybody else was sitting.
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