German Dictionary

Translation of Zurückhaltung

die Zurückhaltung the aloofness    ; the reserve    ; the abstinence    ; the reluctance    ; the restraint    ; the containment    

Translation by Vocabulix


sexuelle Zurückhaltung sexual restraint
Beibehaltung; Zurückhaltung retention
zurückhaltung reticence; shyness
Zurückhaltung demureness

Do you want to proceed with entering more words or do you want to wait for the new design. For me, both options are ok. You could add the language in parenthesis after the sentence. We'll see within one week those we really need.
This is another sentence that was missing. This morning I brought my daugther to the kindergarden as I do every morning. She is in that terrible two age and people told me that it is not an easy age.
I'm learning Spanish, I have been dating a girl in Peru a few months ago, but, unfortunately, she speaks only Spanish. If everything goes well I will move there! For true love I'm ready to do a lot.
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Conjugation of reserve   [ reserved, reserved ]