German Dictionary

Translation of Zusammenfassung

die Zusammenfassung the summary    ; the recapitulation    ; the abstract    ; the synopsis    ; the résumé    ; the précis    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Zusammenfassung von Klums Buch klang fantastisch.

The summary of Klum's book sounded terrific.
kurze Wiederholung; Zusammenfassung recap
Zusammenfassung, plan a schedule
eine Zusammenfassung a run down
Zusammenfassung run-down
zusammenfassung summery
Zusammenfassung summary

Although I put my wallet in the front pocket of my pants it was not there. I had been so diverted by the aggressiveness of these kids that I did not feel it when they grabbed it out of my pocket.
After our system update, lessons will be saved for 30 minutes automatically, if you want to save them permanently, you need to press the 'save lesson' button. It than works the same basically.
I got up at five in the early morning because I wanted to take pictures of the sunrise. I hoped that there would be some fog, as it would add to the atmosphere and would results in great shots.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of abstract   [ abstracted, abstracted ]