German Dictionary

Translation of zusammenfügen

zusammenfügen to coalesce    ; to join    

Translation by Vocabulix


verzahnen; zusammenfügen; in Einklang bringen dovetail
zusammenbringen; zusammenfügen match; to match
Fertigung; Umsetzung; Zusammenfügen assembly
verbinden; zusammenfügen; vereinigen join
zusammenfügen; verbinden to combine
Zusammenfügen to put together
zusammenfügen stick together

I.E. stands for 'in example', and the translation of it is 'por ejemplo'. Is there a difference between this term in Latin American or South American Spanish? How would you say the same sentence in Central America?
I was born in Lima and for 14 years I have been living near Frankfurt. I am divorced and I have a little girl and an older son from my first marriage. My son is already in kindergarten.
Was great to see you again, thank you for the meeting. But I have seen that the 'Unicomercer' in Cairo already had a contact person or a representing company. What should I do? Contact them anyway?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of join   [ joined, joined ]