German Dictionary

Translation of Zuschuss

der Zuschuss the allowance    ; the subsidy    ; the grant    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wir zeigten ihnen Belege für unsere Ausgaben, um uns für Zuschüsse zu bewerben.

We showed them evidence of our expenditures to apply for subsidies.
Zuschuss; Subvention; Stützung subsidy
Zuschuss; Bafög grant

So, I have to say that the behavior of the people living in Turkey is very different from most countries in the world. They are very open, kind and funny, sometimes one can think that they are rude.
The image width is ideal on all pages except on the front page. The image width there is almost double. Why? The introduction text could be on the left side, cause that is where people start reading.
I got up at five in the early morning because I wanted to take pictures of the sunrise. I hoped that there would be some fog, as it would add to the atmosphere and would results in great shots.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of grant   [ granted, granted ]