German Dictionary

Translation of Zuteilung

die Zuteilung the allocation    

Translation by Vocabulix


Aufgabe; Zuweisung; Zuteilung assignment
Zuteilung; Verteilung allotment
Zuteilung; Auftrag assignment

Do you want to proceed with entering more words or do you want to wait for the new design. For me, both options are ok. You could add the language in parenthesis after the sentence. We'll see within one week those we really need.
In order to quickly become successful, one would have to change certain points, at least in my opinion: After 5 months of learning, I have still not found the grammar practice on which I should concentrate.
I'm helping you with Spanish and you can help me with English. How did you teach yourself the grammar? Here in Zurich it has being raining for 5 days and we have spent most of the time in front of the TV.
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