German Dictionary

Translation of zwangsläufig

zwangsläufig compulsory    ; inevitable    

Translation by Vocabulix


notwendig; unvermeidbar; zwangsläufig inevitable
unvermeidlich; zwangsläufig inevitable

First of all I have to say that I am trying not to get myself into a situation where I have to eat thing that I don't like. That means that I have never tried a strange meal or bizzare food.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
The fans in the stadium was so much better than any fans in Europe. The atmosphere was pure football and people did not stop singing for ninety minutes regardless of the score. Outside the stadium there was smell of Asado.
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