German Dictionary

Translation of Zwerg

der Zwerg the dwarf    ; the midget    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der neugierige Zwerg wurde in dem Märchen vom Prinz bestraft.

The curious dwarf in the fairytale was punished by the prince.
Sie gaben dem Zwerg ein Mikrofon, und er sang wie Pavarotti. They gave the midget a microphone, and he sang like Pavarotti.
der Zwerg; die Zwergin the dwarf, midget (runt)
zwerg dwarf
Zwerg dwalf

So, I have to say that the behavior of the people living in Turkey is very different from most countries in the world. They are very open, kind and funny, sometimes one can think that they are rude.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
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