German Dictionary

Translation of Zwillinge

Zwillinge twins    ; Gemini    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie ziehen sich gerne wie Zwillinge an, obwohl sie gar nicht gleichaltrig sind.

They like to dress like twins although they are not even the same age.
Als ich das Horoskop für Zwillinge las, wurde ich wütend. Reading the horoscope for Gemini, I got angry.
Nach den Zwillingen war Dinas nächstes Kind ein Einling. After the twins, Dina's next child was a singleton.
der Zwilling, Zwillinge the twin(s)
Zwillinge de tweeling
die Zwillinge twins

So I do not know what to write more. It seems that you know my entire life by now. Each sentence needs to be constructed in a differnt way. The best part is to write about vacation and nice memories.
The writer describes this situation by putting the persons into a natural environment. On one side there was no shade and there weren't any trees, he says. This description can be interpreted.
To be honest, we did not understand one word of what he was saying, because his English was so terrible. Or maybe it wasn't and it was only his accent which we could not grasp. To us it was Chinese.
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