German Dictionary

Translation of Zypern

das Zypern the Cyprus    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Niko war ein Patriot aus Zypern.

Niko was a patriot from Cyprus.
Zypern Nikosia
Zypern Cyprus

A word might have one meaning in Mexico, and a totally other meaning in Columbia or in Venezuela. Let me check the words that are already translated before doing anything. I will try to add the other points tomorrow.
I didn't find any this time, but I'm paying close attention. I have received your message. At the upper right corner you have a link 'show my words' that display the words you have entered so far in both languages.
I want learn Spanish because of my girlfriend from Guatemala. She is from Latin America. And of course I want improve my grammar too. I like to hear it, but speaking is still hard. Hasta Luego.
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