German Dictionary

The worst thing about starting the day in the main market is that you have to carry everything that you buy for the entire day. We did not want that and quickly returned to our place.
The memorial consisted of a small museum and monument which was displaying skulls of civil war victims. It was sad, brutal and scary. It is certainly not the place were you would take tourist on day one.
We first took a regular bus to the border, which was basically just an empty building. There we switched to Jeeps, as the terrain was rocky. In our group there were 4 American girls and us.
The memorial consisted of a small museum and monument which was displaying skulls of civil war victims. It was sad, brutal and scary. It is certainly not the place were you would take tourist on day one.
We first took a regular bus to the border, which was basically just an empty building. There we switched to Jeeps, as the terrain was rocky. In our group there were 4 American girls and us.