German Dictionary

Translation of adjourn in German

to adjourn     verlegen

Translation by Vocabulix


adjourn vertagen

I expect it towards the weekend. Will you by any chance be in Switzerland in the week from June 15 to June 19? Most importantly, I will ask you to send me your homework so that I can correct it.
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
The second day we visited the bird and the fish market, some large shopping malls and dedicated the entire day with shopping clothes and strolling around. I found a nice jacket, which I am still wearing.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of adjourn   [ adjourned, adjourned ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verlegen
verlege  verlegst  verlegt  verlegen  verlegt  verlegen  verlegte  verlegtest  verlegte  verlegten  verlegtet  verlegten