German Dictionary

Translation of administer in German

to administer     verwalten
to administer     administrieren

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Endocrinologists are looking for more efficient methods to administer hormones.

Endokrinologen suchen nach effizienteren Methoden, Hormone zu verabreichen.
administer; head up führen, leiten
to administer verwalten, handhaben
administer verwalten

I expect it towards the weekend. Will you by any chance be in Switzerland in the week from June 15 to June 19? Most importantly, I will ask you to send me your homework so that I can correct it.
My web designer found a bug and fixed it. Please ignore the last email. There seems to be a misunderstanding: When a user clicks on the Demo button, our cookie will automatically be set. That's it.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
People also searched for: aftertaste    alleged    amnesia    annually    appalling    arise    assign    authentic    bacterial    barren   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of administer   [ administered, administered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verwalten
verwalte  verwaltest  verwaltet  verwalten  verwaltet  verwalten  verwaltete  verwaltetest  verwaltete  verwalteten  verwaltetet  verwalteten