German Dictionary

Translation of affair in German

the affair     die Affäre; die Angelegenheit
the affair     der Seitensprung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He never condoned her affair but took her back nonetheless.

Er verzieh ihr die Affaire nie, aber nahm sie dennoch zurück.
The porter was her confident and knew about all her affairs. Der Hausmeister war ihre Vertrauensperson und wusste über all ihre Affären bescheid.
affair Affäre; Geschäft; Angelegenheit
affair Affäre, Angelegenheit
affair Angelegenheit 2
affair Affare

And I think it is really good idea for us to writing with each other in Spanish or English. however i am still beginner for Spanish learning. It seems still impossible for me to writing to you in Spanish. But i hope i can do it soon.
In addition I felt were uncomfortable with a ten year old girl rowing our boat while we were sitting like stupid tourists there. I offered to row myself and took the girl's rudder. She was happy.
In the evening we stayed in our room, watching an old James Bond. On the second day, we went to the Bellavista neighborhood and ate at a Chinese restaurant, rice is supposed to be good against stomach pain...
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