German Dictionary

Translation of aggravate in German

to aggravate     verschlimmern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The aggressive teenager's pathology was aggravated by playing violent video games.

Die aggressive Pathologie des Teenager wurde durch gewalttätige Videospiele noch verschlimmert.
to aggravate verschlimmern; ärgern; erschweren
aggravate erbitten; erschweren; verschlimmern
aggravate kotulestirmek; siddetlendirmek
aggravate ansammeln; erschweren; reizen
to annoy*; aggravate reizen

I expect it towards the weekend. Will you by any chance be in Switzerland in the week from June 15 to June 19? Most importantly, I will ask you to send me your homework so that I can correct it.
I am happy that you are satisfied with your results! Of course I will come again. However, next time I would like to speak to each of the professors in advance to see what their need is.
Not worth mentioning. The next day we spent the entire day in the mall buying unuseful things, cheap Jeans of poor quality and again gifts for our friends. I remember buying swimming pants in the sports store.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of aggravate   [ aggravated, aggravated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschlimmern
verschlimmere  verschlimmerst  verschlimmert  verschlimmern  verschlimmert  verschlimmern  verschlimmerte  verschlimmertest  verschlimmerte  verschlimmerten  verschlimmertet  verschlimmerten