German Dictionary

Translation of Armenian in German

the Armenian     die Armenierin
Armenian     armenisch

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The two Armenians attained U.S. citizen status in 1993.

Die beiden Armenier erlangten 1993 die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.

We had three more days and the city which was plenty of time if not even too much. It is true that this city is unique and that you can spend there over a month, but we started to miss the countryside.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.
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