German Dictionary

Translation of auditor in German

the auditor     der Wirtschaftsprüfer

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The feedback of the auditor was of great importance to the company.

Die Rückmeldung der Wirtschaftsprüfers war von großer Wichtigkeit für die Firma.
statutory group auditor Konzernprüfer
Auditor's report Revisionsbericht
auditor Rechungsprüfer/in
auditor Rechnungsprüfer
auditor Betriebsprüfer
auditor externe accountant
auditor zuhörerin

In total we have 55,500 potential words. I know that is crazy. But we sorted them by the amount they were asked for. Then the words that are really missing and towards the end just stupid spelling mistakes.
Everything in your letter is perfect! Almost no errors and the writing style, very impressive! After this first year in England, you have also improved your vocabulary and the grammar skills.
I will be doing my second year of studies abroad, probably in Panama. For that I will really want to learn Spanish. I know little about the Spanish language, but I will learn. I can help you with German.
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