German Dictionary

Translation of authorization in German

the authorization     die Bevollmächtigung
the authorization     die Ermächtigung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He signed an authorization for her to administrate his accounts.

Er unterzeichnete eine Bevollmächtigung, die es ihr gestattete, seine Konten zu verwalten.
authorization (die) Berechtigung
authorization die Berechtigung

This site was one of the country's most famous places as Tomb Rider with Angelina Jolie was filmed there. It was built like a pyramid with many stairs and little towers. The place was called Angkor Thom.
We really felt like being in a stupid tourist attraction. The environment was very beautiful but the mass of people would ruin our special moments. Anyway we had one more surprise on the way back.
The next day we had the feeling that the worst of our altitude thickness was over and decided to take the local bus to the Sacred Valley, a key area of settlement to the Incas.
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