German Dictionary

Translation of bargain in German

the bargain     das Angebot; das Schnäppchen
the bargain     das Sonderangebot

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I got a bargain on these amazing Japanese noodles today.

Heute bekam ich diese wunderbaren japanischen Nudeln im Sonderangebot.
bargain; bargain günstiges Geschäft; Sonderangebot
bargain; bargain günstiges Geschäft; Angebot
special offer/bargain das Sonderangebot
bargain Schnäppchen, guter Kauf
bargain Schnäppchen; guter Kauf
bargain Schnäppchen; handeln
bargain handeln; geschäft
inexpensive; bargain preiswert
bargain (ba:gen) günstig
bargain (gutes) Geschäft
bargain gutes geschäft

All travel agents, but one, were all pritty unreliable as one could perceive immediately. We did not care for a dollar more or less and everybody promised the same which was not convincing.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
The next morning, we got up at 5, had breakfast and headed back to the same airport where we landed a few hours earlier. The 1 hour flight was packed with lots of tourists of all ages, mainly Americans.
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