German Dictionary

Translation of booking in German

the booking     die Buchung; die Reservierung

Translation by Vocabulix


booking Buchung, Reseervierung
booking Reservierung, Buchung
booking Buchung, Reservierung
booking Buchung. Raservierung
booking Buchung,Reservierung
booking Buichung
booking Buchung

She suddenly had to vomit and unfortunately she vomited on the new shoes of our friend and on her new Jeans. It was very embarrassing, especially because we were treated so well by this nice young man.
Our fisherman stopped the boat and his nine year old girl opened a box with souvenirs, clothes and hats. We were in the middle of a river not going anywhere and had to start buying things.
At Pisac we visited its 'once certainly authentic', 'today completely touristic' market. We enjoyed it anyway, ate fresh corncobs and bought a warm wool hat.
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