German Dictionary

Translation of braise in German

to braise     schmoren

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
For this recipe we will have to braise thin slices of zucchini.

Für dieses Rezept müssen wir dünne Zucchinischeiben schmoren.
to braise schmoren

There are about fifty families who are having very tight connections. Too tight in my opinion. It's like a small town in this aspect. Joanna though is very satisfied with the place and the atmosphere.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
We started to look for other options and found the Salvation Army Boot lodge, which had much larger rooms for half the price. The second and third night we would stay there before moving on.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of braise   [ braised, braised ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schmoren
schmore  schmorst  schmort  schmoren  schmort  schmoren  schmorte  schmortest  schmorte  schmorten  schmortet  schmorten