German Dictionary

Bread in German

to bread     panieren
the bread      das Brot 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She bought a loaf of bread, and he added a complimentary cookie.

Sie kaufte ein Brot, und er gab ihr umsonst einen Keks dazu.
I love toasted sour dough bread with guacamole. Ich liebe getoastetes Sauerteigbrot mit Guacamole.
She awaited him in the parlor with a plate of bread and cheese. Sie erwartete ihn im Empfangszimmer mit einem Teller Brot und Käse.
stale bread schales (=altes) Brot
bakery; bread shop Bäckerei
a loaf of bread ein Laib Brot
the bread(s) das Brot, Brote
wholemeal bread Vollkornbrot
fresh bread frisches Brot
sliced bread Scheibenbrot
bread roll Brötchen
fruit bread Rosinenbrot

Anyway, we left, as everybody else was leaving and once outside we understood that most people were just crossing the street in order to enter into this other night club. So did we.
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
The counter opened 45 minutes before take-off, and we really had to beg the ground personal to check for another seat. They were friendly, but nonetheless we felt that they would do us a favor.
People also searched for: carry    climb    construction    daffodil    disadvantage    either    expand    finished    fry    grandson   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of bread   [ breaded, breaded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of panieren
paniere  panierst  paniert  panieren  paniert  panieren  panierte  paniertest  panierte  panierten  paniertet  panierten