German Dictionary

Translation of buttocks in German

the buttocks     das Gesäß
the buttocks     der Arsch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Her buttocks looked fantastic in her tight, green jeans.

Ihr Hintern sah in ihren engen grünen Jeans fantastisch aus.
buttocks Gesäß, Hintern
bottom, buttocks Gesäß
buttocks Gesaess/backen

We decided according to whom we liked most and booked a trip for the next day. We looked for a place for lunch and found a restuarant called Pho 24, where they would serve soups for 24 hours.
The first thing he wanted to show us was a war memorial for Cambodia's civil war. The war has ended only few years earlier and was still very present in the mind of the entire population.
The view of the valley, the lakes and the surrounding volcano mountains were breathtaking. We stayed there for nearly one hour and had a little snack. From there we continued to have lunch.
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