German Dictionary

Translation of cable in German

the cable      das Kabel 
the cable     das Seil

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Finally, we found out that the TV cable was faulty.

Schließlich fanden wir heraus, dass das Fernsehkabel beschädigt war.
cable television kabelfernseh
cable tv kabelfernsehen
cable car Seilbahn

Friends, Family and similar relationships you are saying mostly "Du". Young people too. In the city, on the phone, school, at work and in the bank always say "Sie" for now.
What is your name? are you going to learn English? I'm from Austria and I'm going to go in the 9th grade at the college. I only have Yahoo... How old are you? Where do you live? Do you take more images of yourself?
In the evening we stayed in our room, watching an old James Bond. On the second day, we went to the Bellavista neighborhood and ate at a Chinese restaurant, rice is supposed to be good against stomach pain...
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