German Dictionary

Translation of called in German

called     berufen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is called a quitter, because he never turns things into a happy ending.

Er wird als Versager bezeichnet, weil er Dinge niemals zu einem guten Ende bringt.
The new renters saw a cockroach and immediately called the exterminator. Die neuen Mieter sahen eine Kakerlake und riefen sofort den Kammerjäger.
Father's favorite boxer was a heavyweight called Baskov. Vater Lieblingsboxer war ein Schwergewicht namens Baskov.
(to) be called heißen, genannt werden
to be called heißen ,genannt werden
to be called heißen genannt werden
called; (to be) called heissen; nennen
to be called; to be named heißen
be called heißen,genannt werden
He's called David. Er heisst David.
He's called Paul. Er heisst Paul.
to be called, named heißen

I entered yet another suite. This one had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge sleeping room. The view was excellent, overlooking one of Saigon's largest and most impressive boulevards.
I would like to chat with you regularly, but it looks like you are not online at the moment. I heard about the political turmoil in your country, and I hope that it is not going to affect you.
Arica was not our destination, we had to move to the South, around one thousand kilometers, and we did not know how, whether by bus, plane or train. We considered all of them and start looking for itineraries.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of berufen
berufe  berufst  beruft  berufen  beruft  berufen  berief  beriefst  berief  beriefen  berieft  beriefen