German Dictionary

Translation of caller in German

the caller     der Anrufer

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Callers usually want to preserve their anonymity.

Anrufer wollen normalerweise ihre Anonymität bewahren.
The caller who informed us about the murder wanted to remain anonymous. Der Anrufer, der uns über den Mord unterrichtete, wollte anonym bleiben.

Probably we will make additions to our dictionary. I'll be available in January and in February, but not in March, because I'll be in the United States for about three months. About a week in New York, a week in Chicago and Detroit.
I am a computer scientist and I also have a small restaurant with my younger sister (she is also already 53). You can come and visit, I will buy you a drink and we could chat a little.
Nevertheless, I was looking forward to the flight. Thirteen hours in the air has something exciting in itself. You can watch movies, sleep, read newspapers and rest. Normally, we always under stress.
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