German Dictionary

Translation of charming in German

charming     charmant
charming     entzückend; reizend

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The jackdaw had a charming song.

Die Dohle hatte ein charmantes Zwitschern.
the prince charming der Märchenprinz
charming charmant, bezaubernd
charming charmant; bezaubernd
graceful; charming grazioes
charming charmant, reizend

I entered yet another suite. This one had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge sleeping room. The view was excellent, overlooking one of Saigon's largest and most impressive boulevards.
The jet lag could be felt. We entered the floating village. People were actually living in boat houses and most of them seemed very poor. Their main income source was fishing and tourism.
The view of the valley, the lakes and the surrounding volcano mountains were breathtaking. We stayed there for nearly one hour and had a little snack. From there we continued to have lunch.
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