German Dictionary

Translation of club in German

the club      der Verein 
the club     der Klub; der Schlagstock; der Verein

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It is going to take some persuasion to get him to join the club.

Es wird etwas Überredung brauchen ihn dazu zu bringen, dem Club beizutreten.
The local knitting club celebrated its bicentennial at the Rosenbusch Bar. Der lokale Strickclub feierte sein zweihundertjähriges Bestehen in der Rosenbusch Bar.
John's mural showed dolphins turning into juggling clubs. Johns Wandmalerei zeigte Delfine, die sich in Jonglierkeulen verwandelten.
the sports club der Sportverein
club, association der Verein
Sports Club Der Sportverein
golf club Golfschläger
video club Video-Klub
youth club Jugendclub
youth club Jugendklub
night club Nachtklub
club Klub, Verein

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Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
The view from the top was amazing. One could see the hugh lakes and the surrounding mountains, which were still covered in snow. The landscape was really fantastic and blue skies added to its beauty.
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