German Dictionary

Coffee in German

the coffee      der Kaffee 

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Sample sentences:
Other coffee franchises began to imitate Starbucks.

Andere Kaffeeketten fingen an, Starbucks nachzuahmen.
The coffee at the Lion Cafe? is the hottest in town. Der Kaffee im Lion Cafe? ist der heißeste in der ganzen Stadt.
I handed out some pamphlets and went for a coffee. Ich teilte ein paar Flugblätter aus und ging einen Kaffee trinken.
coffee bar; coffee shop Das Café
the coffee(s) der Kaffee, Kaffees
decaf coffee koffeinfreier Kaffee
cafe; ca; coffee house Kaffeehaus
a cup of coffee eine Tasse kaffe
coffee machine Kaffeemaschine
coffee table der Couchtisch
coffee maker Kaffeemaschine
make coffee Kaffee machen

I would like to have you as my good friend and maybe we can go to places in the near future, and maybe we will travel together to China as well one day (if you wish to go there). Tell me more about yourself as I will love to know about you.
Nevertheless, I agreed to go there and check it out. It looked much better than the one that we booked in advance and we decided to stay there for two nights. It had a great pool and we were welcomed with drinks.
Sorry but I hadn't have enough time in the last two weeks to respond to your email and to your interesting offer. I really need to think about it a little longer, and I am sure you'd understand.
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