German Dictionary

Translation of corn in German

the corn     das Hühnerauge; der Mais

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The talented chef convinced me that corn and salmon were actually compatible.

Der begabte Koch überzeugte mich davon, dass Lachs und Mais durchaus kompatibel waren.
the ear of corn die Getreideähre
the corn-grinder die Kornmühle
corn kukuruz; zrno; žitarica
the corn das Getreide
corn Getreide;Korn
maize; corn Mais
sweet corn Mais

Anyway, we knew that we would return there too eat many more soups on our trip. When we left the place there suddenly started intense rain and we had to run for cover in order not get wet.
It was amazing to see how different people in different regions of the world would worship their G'ds in different ways. We really enjoyed it there and felt the mystic atmosphere around us.
In the afternoon we went to the Cerro Catedral which is a small mountain not far (30 minutes) from the city. You can either climb up or take the chair lift. We chose the second option.
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