German Dictionary

Translation of crave in German

to crave     begehren; erflehen; ersehnen; flehen

Translation by Vocabulix


to long for; to ask for; to crave verlangen nach
crave flehen; sich sehnen

Study material is not easy to find. Unfortunately I have not received any such material yet. To give your students brochures and leaflets is in my opinion not the ideal. It cannot be compared with online studies.
What kind of music do you like? I am a classical music and rock fan, but not a techno fan. I believe that strange combination of tastes say a lot about a person. I certainly want to take art as a major.
You need to call before you leave... When there is good weather outside all restaurants open outside and the people sit in the sun, eat and drink. The lake is also very romantic in the late night.
Lately viewed by others: cruiser    cyanide    debit    depending    detestable    dinky    disinfection    dock    downwards   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of begehren
begehre  begehrst  begehrt  begehren  begehrt  begehren  begehrte  begehrtest  begehrte  begehrten  begehrtet  begehrten     
Conjugation of flehen
flehe  flehst  fleht  flehen  fleht  flehen  flehte  flehtest  flehte  flehten  flehtet  flehten