German Dictionary

Translation of crease in German

to crease     knicken
the crease     der Kniff

Translation by Vocabulix


I also love animals. I have a cat and a dog. I get a kick out of it. I love it. What do you do? I'm just coming back from dancing. Vocabulix is very good and I think you should also try to read a Spanish book
We drove back to the city and this time our bus driver went even crazier. We prayed for the ride to be over. We arrived safely two hours later and rushed back to our house not even complaining.
After an hour flight and 1000km further south, we landed in Calama. It was already 9pm and it was already dark. We still weren't at our final destination, but much much closer. We took a cab again to the city center.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of crease   [ creased, creased ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of knicken
knicke  knickst  knickt  knicken  knickt  knicken  knickte  knicktest  knickte  knickten  knicktet  knickten