German Dictionary

Translation of crossfire in German

the crossfire     das Kreuzfeuer

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The poor boy was always caught in the crossfire of his quibbling parents.

Der arme Junge befand sich ständig im Kreuzfeuer zwischen seinen streitenden Eltern.

Do you have a brochure (marketing materials in PDF format), which I could forward by email or which I could print out here? I want to create a new listing for my friends in Berlin. Thanks.
I am considering an additional project for our website, called 'the better option'. Basically it would be writing something about Spanish or English grammar. Would you be interested in participating? I met great people there.
Today it is Sunday and I am very lazy. My daughter is 5 years old and she still needs her mother. So be ready, even if you are outside! I'm a sleepy! Could you do this?
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